Youtuber Ozymandias Ramses II joins Justin Schieber and Ben Watkins to discuss competing contemporary definitions of atheism. Agnosticism and the burden of proof or justification are also discussed. The Ozymandias Ramses II Youtube channel:
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RA009: Interview: Wes Morriston on Moral Freedom and The Moral Argument
For this episode of Real Atheology, Justin Schieber and Ben Watkins interview philosopher Wes Morriston. Dr. Morriston earned his PhD in philosophy from Northwestern University in 1972 and was a professor of philosophy at University of Colorado, Boulder from 1972-2014 when he retired as Emeritus Professor of Philosophy. Professor Morriston specialized in philosophy of religion. In the…
RA008: Interview: Evan Fales on The Problem of Evil
In this episode, Justin Schieber sits down with philosopher Evan Fales to talk about some of his work on the problem of evil as well as how he became interested in issues in philosophy of religion. Dr. Fales is professor emeritus at University of Iowa. Professor Fales’ research interests include philosophy of science, metaphysics, epistemology, and most…
RA007: Irreducibly Normative Truths?
Cory Markum joins Ben Watkins to discuss some questions about normativity. Many apologists put forward moral arguments for the existence of God which claim that atheism implies some form of moral nihilism. While both Ben and Cory do not find these arguments persuasive, Cory is not so sure about the view that is often called…
RA006: Interview: Josh Parikh on Resistant Non-Belief
Oxford philosophy student Josh Parikh joins Justin Schieber to discuss Josh’s rejection of a key premise in Schellenberg’s Hiddenness Argument (previously discussed in RA004). The premise, which states that there do in fact exist persons who are non-resistantly in a state of non-belief about God’s existence, is largely taken to be true by most philosophers of religion.…
RA005: Debate: Schieber and Arndt on God and Suffering
If an all-powerful, all-knowing, and perfectly good God exists, how does one explain the existence, intensity, and distribution of moral and natural suffering in our world? In this episode, Justin Schieber and Christian theist Timothy Arndt square off for a lively philosophical debate on the age-old puzzle that surrounds God and suffering. The debate was…
Justin Schieber and Randal Rauser at Sherwood Park Alliance Church.
Last Thursday, I flew up to Edmonton, AB for a number of debate/dialogue events with Randal Rauser in promotion of our new book An Atheist and a Christian Walk into a Bar. In addition to the events with my friend Randal, I was also excited to meet some good friends I had made on previous trips to…
Events in Edmonton, Tucson, and Phoenix.
RA fans, The Real Atheology Podcast has two full episodes in the… chute? Unfortunately, they both require some heavy editing before their release and I am unable to find the time. Why so busy? Funny you should ask. I’m prepping for a flurry of events over the next two weekends. The first batch of three take…
RA004: Debate: Schieber and Giunta on Divine Hiddenness Ever since philosopher John Schellenberg published Divine Hiddenness and Human Reason in 1993, the argument from divine hiddenness has received an immense amount of attention from philosophers and laypersons. This episode features a lengthy interaction between Justin Schieber and Blake Giunta of The interaction was hosted on Unbelievable with its ever-gracious host, Justin Brierley. Check out…
RA003: Debate: God and Finite Creatures All creatures that exist in the actual world are finite creatures – that much is obvious. If God exists, he has created them. But should the fact of their finitude count against theism? Does theism lead us to expect to observe fundamentally different beings? In this episode, Justin Schieber and Canadian theologian Randal Rauser…